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A painting I did of the gliders that sail in the skies of Neptune.

When researching for my worldbuilding I learned that airships and aerostat habitats weren't really possible on a gas or ice giant like Neptune - your lifting gas needs to be lighter than the stuff around it, and Neptune's atmosphere is already composed of hydrogen and helium, our two choice lifting gases on Earth. Orbital tethers were possible, but the idea of gliders that were forever aloft in the atmosphere captivated me.

Legends say Wintertide blue came from the original inhabitants of Neptune, who hid from capitalist forces for the entire duration of the Solstice War.

Legends say Wintertide blue came from the original inhabitants of Neptune, who hid from capitalist forces for the entire duration of the Solstice War.

Second frame got cut off due to a bad screengrab at the time.

Second frame got cut off due to a bad screengrab at the time.

Exploration thumbnails for Neptune. Eventually I chose something akin to the one on the top-right, to communicate the scale of the gliders.

Exploration thumbnails for Neptune. Eventually I chose something akin to the one on the top-right, to communicate the scale of the gliders.